by Jason Makris | Aug 19, 2015 | Income Taxes, Individual |
Phoenix Accountant | AMT Most taxpayers may have never paid the Alternative Minimum Tax before, but they should be aware of it. Your tax situation may have changed and you may be subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax this year. You may have to pay this tax if your...
by Jason Makris | Aug 17, 2015 | Income Taxes, Individual, Tax Planning |
Phoenix CPA | Vacation Rentals If you own a home that you rent to someone else, you usually must report the rental income and expenses on your income tax return. However, you may not need to report the rent you receive if the rental period is short and you also use...
by Jason Makris | Jul 6, 2015 | Affordable Care Act, Income Taxes, Individual |
Phoenix Taxes | Owe the IRS? If you are unable to pay your income tax due bill by April 15th, the Internal Revenue Service will try and work with you. You should be aware, however, that the owing of back income taxes or certain other past due debts can result in your...
by Jason Makris | Jul 2, 2015 | Income Taxes, Individual, Small Businesses |
Phoenix CPA | Identity Theft Becoming the victim of identity theft can be one of the most frustrating and stressful parts of your life. It can take years to recover and sometimes you never recover from it. Tax related identity theft occurs when someone uses your...
by Jason Makris | Jun 29, 2015 | Income Taxes, Individual, Tax Planning |
Mesa Taxes | Wedding Checklist If you are preparing to get married soon, the last thing on your mind is probably taxes. There are few things to keep in mind about your tax situation that will change or need to be addressed after you get married. Did you change your...
by Jason Makris | Jun 23, 2015 | Income Taxes, Individual, Tax Planning |
Scottsdale Taxes | Capital Gains When you sell or dispose of a capital asset such as property you own for personal use, investment properties, stocks or collectibles, the disposition will will result in a capital gain or loss. Here are some facts that taxpayers should...